Getting the Objection format and content right
Before we consider the details of our collective fears/concerns about a planning application, and what we do about it, it is important to understand the process by which you must make an effective objection. It is also important to understand how objections will be viewed by Dover’s Planning Officers and Planning Committee.
Planning Officers will ……..
- Look at objections to see how substantial they are.
- They will ignore any that just say, “I support” or “I object”.
- They will look at objections that are just lists of the same things copied by many people, and only count them as a single objection.
So, whilst it is important that we share knowledge, expertise, advice, important facts, and the latest intelligence so we are best informed, make them personal views of yours and use your own words; and then add in anything that you can which demonstrates that it is a personal perspective.
People must object individually. Don’t send objections as a network’s views or expect a local Society’s views to hold greater sway with Planning Officers or a Planning Committee as they only count as one objection.