Local House Prices – Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics

Our young people are being priced out of their area.

We all hear stories that property prices going down recently, and that local prices are below the national average, yet it doesn’t feel that this truly reflects the experiences of our local young people and families who are looking to get on the house purchase ladder.


Deal Town Plan

Deal Town Council is producing a medium-term (3-5 year) plan to provide clear targets, better focus, improved use of resources and direction in a rapidly changing world.


Local Plan

Every local authority in England is required to have a Local Plan setting out its vision and strategies for the social and economic development of the District over a 20 year period.

Dover had such a Plan to extend from 2006 to 2026, however national policies have made that non compliant and it is being updated.


High Street development

Consultation has just ended on a Government proposal ‘Supporting housing delivery and public service infrastructure’ which proposes a number of changes.


Conservation Area Character Appraisals

The Deal Society has been asked by Dover District Council to carry out conservation area character appraisals on all of the seven conservation areas in Deal and Walmer. The 1990 Planning Act requires local authorities to keep conservation areas under review and the Dover District Council Heritage Strategy encourages local groups and residents to get involved in the process. (more…)

Community involvement in the planning process

DDC Statement of Community InvolvementDover District Council, who are the planning authority responsible for Deal and Walmer, have produced a ‘statement of community involvement’ which states how they will involve the community in planning decisions. It also serves as a useful introduction to the planning process.

The document can be downloaded by clicking the image to the right (PDFpdf 7Mb).

Assets of Community Value

This is one of a raft of new initiatives introduced in the Localism Act 2011 which requires Local Authorities to keep a ‘List of Assets of Community Value’. It is also known as The Community Right to Bid and is not related to the listing process or local heritage listing. (more…)

Living in a Conservation Area

The Deal Society has a booklet which will be of use to owners of properties in the Deal and Walmer conservation areas. It also provides useful information for anyone who is thinking of objecting to a planning application. (more…)