Matters of Interest in Deal and Walmer

  • The Population Changes in Deal and Walmer are not what many of us think!

    – Lies, misinformation and statistics.          Further observations from Ian Redding

    We have some interesting discussions at the Society’s Executive, seeking to look at the bigger picture and to understand how new developments are changing our town and expanding it into surrounding areas, for good or bad.  

  • Betteshanger Country Park

    The Friends of Betteshanger Country Park is a Group that has been set up to help protect this important and bio-diverse wildlife site from development. They would like as many people as possible to contact the Council and object to the developers proposals. Further details are in their leaflets and presentation below. Please take time to look through these important documents.

  • Lessons Learnt from Storm Ciaran

    Some thoughts from one of the Committee about the effect of global warming on the Town

    CIARAN GIVES US ALL A STERN LESSON a reflection by Ian Redding – 6 Nov 2023
